
BumpTopwasa3Ddesktopenvironmentthatsimulatesthenormalbehaviorandphysicalpropertiesofareal-worlddeskandenhancesitwithautomatictoolsto ...,BumpTopisanalternativethree-dimensionaldesktopthatletsyoumanageiconsandfilesinatotally3Denvironmentthatalsofollowsbasicphysicsrules.In ...,bumptop.A3DPhysicsDesktopExperience.About·SourceCode;Download.Play.CurrentTime0:00./.DurationTime0:00.RemainingTime-0:00...


BumpTop was a 3D desktop environment that simulates the normal behavior and physical properties of a real-world desk and enhances it with automatic tools to ...


BumpTop is an alternative three-dimensional desktop that lets you manage icons and files in a totally 3D environment that also follows basic physics rules. In ...


bumptop. A 3D Physics Desktop Experience. About · Source Code; Download. Play. Current Time 0:00. /. Duration Time 0:00. Remaining Time -0:00. Stream TypeLIVE.


還在用死板板的桌面嗎?BumpTop讓你的桌面動起來!在你安裝BumpTop後,桌面會變成一個3D立體介面,所有原本在桌面上的圖示(包括捷徑、檔案)都會以物件方式呈現,使用 ...

How to Add a 3D Desktop to Windows 11 and 10

2022年3月12日 — BumpTop is open-source software (acquired by Google) that turns the desktop into a 3D room with a top-down perspective. Want to know more? Here ...

Issues · bumptopBumpTop

Windows 10 task view causes bumptop to go transparent. #13 opened on May 15, 2018 by jmassion · 1. Touch & Pen not working on Surface Tablet (win 10). #12 ...


BumpTop是一款可使你的桌面变为极酷3D桌面的软件,采用了极酷的3D技术,把图标立体化,同时拖拽动作也是别有动感,充满智慧,你可以完全抛弃原先单调的2D和伪3D界面, ...

Real Desktop 1.64 - 3D桌面效果

Real Desktop 1.64 - 3D桌面效果
